Recommended Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)

Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket)

Various products to try out 24 Testimonials
The Taster Box for Dogs includes: 200g Taster Box 4 cans of „Gockel‘s Duett“1 can of „Falscher Hase“1 can of „Schäfers Pfanne“1 can of „Thanksgiving... read more
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages 33.16 €
400g, 1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages 46.68 €
810g, 1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages 62.10 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)
Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)
Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)
Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)
Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)
Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)
Recommended Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket) 200g (1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages)

An assortment of different meals ensuring a healthy diet for your dog.


The Taster Box for Dogs includes:

200g Taster Box

4 cans of „Gockel‘s Duett“
1 can of „Falscher Hase“
1 can of „Schäfers Pfanne“
1 can of „Thanksgiving Day“
1 can of "Witwe Boltes Schrecken"
1 sample packet Potato flakes 90g
1 sample packet „Picco Train“
1 sample packet „freeze-dried beef hearts“
1 sample packet „Deer-Snack
1 Anifit Ernährungsfibel
1 Snap-on lid

400g Taster Box

the same as the 200g Taster Box but with 400g cans and the addition of 1 can of „Goldener Ochse“ as well as two samples of Potato flakes 90g (instead of one).

810g Taster Box

the same as the 200g Taster Box but with 810g cans and the addition of 1 can of „Goldener Ochse“ as well as five samples of Potato flakes 90g (instead of one).



Read the instructions provided with the specific product


Analytical components

Read the instructions provided with the specific product

Feeding recommendation

When serving the food for the first time:

Use all of the cans of “Gockel’s Duett” to begin with before moving on to the other varieties. Why? As this variety is specially developed for a change in diet and helps to improve the gut flora. For particularly sensitive pets, it is even advised that this variety be used over the course of an entire month.

Feeding recommendation

Read the instructions provided with the specific product

Häufige Fragen

Ist das Futter für Welpen geeignet?

Ja, die Nährwerte dieser Mahlzeit erfüllen die Voraussetzungen für Welpen. Weitere Informationen zur Fütterung von Welpen finden Sie in unserem Tipp „Welpe - Einzug ins neue Zuhause

Ist das Futter für ältere Hunde (Senioren) geeignet?

Ja, die Nährwerte dieser Mahlzeit erfüllen die Voraussetzungen für ältere Tiere. Weitere Informationen zur Fütterung von Senioren finden Sie in unserem Tipp „Fütterung von Senioren

Wie lange ist das Futter haltbar?

Sobald die Dose geöffnet wurde, sollte diese innerhalb von zwei Tagen aufgebraucht werden, da alle unsere Gerichte bewusst keine Konservierungsmittel enthalten. Die Aufbewahrung im Kühlschrank hilft, das Produkt möglichst frisch zu halten: unsere praktischen Schnappdeckel sind optimal, um den Geruch in der Dose zu belassen und das Produkt zu schützen. Füttern Sie aber das Gericht aber bitte nicht kalt, sondern leicht erwärmt (z.B. indem Sie etwas heißes Wasser darüber gießen). Das schmeckt nicht nur den Tieren besser, die Mahlzeit kann so auch leichter verdaut werden.

Besteht die Möglichkeit, das Produkt einzufrieren?

Wenn Sie das Produkt sofort nach dem Öffnen einfrieren, ist das möglich.

Wie hoch ist das Calcium-Phosphor-Verhältnis?

Die Werte für Phosphor und Calcium finden Sie unter den analytischen Bestandteilen im Register „Zusammensetzung". Wesentlich ist, dass der Calcium-Wert immer höher ist als der Phosphor-Wert.

Ist das Futter Purin-arm?

Die Anifit-Gerichte zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Fleischanteil aus und enthalten dadurch auch Purin. Der Durchschnittswert an Harnsäure der Anifit-Gerichte liegt bei ca. 80 mg/100g. Als purinarme Flocke empfehlen wir unsere Purin-low Flocken.

Warum wird Salz zugesetzt?

Salz ist ein wichtiger Mineralstoff für den Körper, sein Zusatz ist notwendig, damit im Produkt ausreichend Salz vorhanden ist. In Beutetieren von Wölfen etwa ist Salz im Blut enthalten und wird von dort aufgenommen.

Welche tierischen Nebenprodukte verwendet Anifit?

Die von uns verwendeten Bestandteile sind bei jedem Gericht in der Liste der Einzelfuttermittel aufgeführt. Wir verwenden nur Pansen, Herz, Leber, Hähnchenmägen, Milz, Karkassen, Lunge, Schlund und Strossen.



Our company (Provital GmbH) is certified organic by BCS Öko Garantie GmbH (DE-ÖKO-001) and approved by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO-9001.


Product information

Combo pack
available in 200g, 400g, 810g size

What our customers say

Jede Verbraucherbewertung wird vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf ihre Echtheit überprüft, sodass sichergestellt ist, dass die  Bewertungen nur von Verbrauchern stammen, die die bewerteten Produkte auch tatsächlich erworben/genutzt haben. Die Überprüfung geschieht durch Abgleich der Kundendaten mit den bei uns getätigten Bestellungen. Bewertungen von nicht zugeordneten Personen werden nicht veröffentlicht.

Jacky Dear Anifit Team, Thanks to Mrs Gaigl's dog training, we have been successful with our dog Jacky, who was previously a problem dog, strictly speaking. He had the sceptre in his "paw". As we were given the wrong information at the time, he really danced around on our noses. He didn't listen, let alone let us tell him what to do. He thought he was the boss and we were the subjects. Thanks to a very nice, patient dog trainer with no prejudices against punks;), who was always on hand with help and... Dear Anifit Team, Thanks to Mrs Gaigl's dog training, we have been successful with our dog Jacky, who was previously a problem dog, strictly speaking. He had the sceptre in his "paw". As we were give... Read review Lotte Hello dear Anifit team, especially dear Yvonne Nederkorn... a big, big THANK YOU for the great advice and especially for the super products. Our little Lotte is more than thrilled. She "pounces" on her food every day anew and her food bowl is more than empty&clean!!! ;-) What else I have noticed... since we have been feeding Lotte wet food from Anifit, she no longer "smells" like a dog ;-) and her coat is "softer"... :-) :-) :-) We are really ALL very satisfied...! Many thanks for that... ... Hello dear Anifit team, especially dear Yvonne Nederkorn... a big, big THANK YOU for the great advice and especially for the super products. Our little Lotte is more than thrilled. She "pounces" on h... Read review All-round happy four-legged friends Dear Anifit Team, My experience with Anifit went very well from the very first contact, a nice consultation with Mrs Nederkorn led to me ordering a trial/familiarisation package for my animals. This arrived very quickly. Our animals came to have a look straight away and the food was accepted. Our 2 dogs couldn't wait and inhaled the bowl straight away, our cats needed a moment longer, but they tasted it too. I also think the composition is great and they tolerate it well. I look forward to the ... Dear Anifit Team, My experience with Anifit went very well from the very first contact, a nice consultation with Mrs Nederkorn led to me ordering a trial/familiarisation package for my animals. This ... Read review CHEWY and his first samples of Anifit Dear Anifit team, Since 19 June, we have had a mongrel from animal welfare, who now accompanies me and us all the time and makes us all very happy. I wanted to give my "Chewy", a Chow-Chow-Havanese mix from southern Spain, the same food as my previous dog, who unfortunately died in the spring. I initially ordered a taster pack. I have now been feeding him different varieties of Anifit for 2 weeks and have noticed that he has become much more alert and attentive. For me this was very noticeable ... Dear Anifit team, Since 19 June, we have had a mongrel from animal welfare, who now accompanies me and us all the time and makes us all very happy. I wanted to give my "Chewy", a Chow-Chow-Havanese m... Read review
Change of food for Branka Dear team, I would like to share my experience with Anifit food. Branka, my 4 year old French Bulldog is a very poor eater and it is difficult to find something suitable that she can also tolerate. We were initially given great advice and the trial set was delivered very quickly. And what can I say? I was annoyed that I had ordered the small set, Branka inhaled the tins one after the other and I was amazed when she "just" ate 400g. And best of all, she tolerates it really well. No more than th... Dear team, I would like to share my experience with Anifit food. Branka, my 4 year old French Bulldog is a very poor eater and it is difficult to find something suitable that she can also tolerate. W... Read review Well tolerated despite sensitive stomach Dear Anifit team, Very well tolerated dog food. We received six tins as a gift from our friends. Our dog has a sensitive stomach and so we tried a lot of different foods. Fortunately, we have found a second manufacturer through RyDog food. I can highly recommend the food. With kind regards Andrzej Harasimowicz This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Very well tolerated dog food. We received six tins as a gift from our friends. Our dog has a sensitive stomach and so we tried a lot of different foods. Fortunately, we have found a... Read review Thanks to Anifit, Jerry no longer has diarrhoea! Hello dear Anifit team, I ordered your wet food for my dog Jerry (two and a half years old). I was convinced by the statement that no animal testing and only ingredients that are edible for humans are used. When the first parcel arrived and I put the wet food in front of my Jerry for the first time, he literally sucked it in and didn't get diarrhoea. The wet food is very high quality with its high meat content and it also smells good. We have been ordering it for a while now and our coati toler... Hello dear Anifit team, I ordered your wet food for my dog Jerry (two and a half years old). I was convinced by the statement that no animal testing and only ingredients that are edible for humans ar... Read review Pina loves the veal shank bone Dear Ani Fit Team, My name is Pina and I am 5 years old. I am a Chihuahua and one of the smallest dogs in the world. I have a very special coat colour called Merle. My owner ordered me a bone from Anifit so that I wouldn't chew on his shoes any more. The bone tastes very good to me. But I have a lot of work to do, the bone is now almost bigger than me. When the weather is nice, I can run around our garden without a lead and enjoy my chewing pleasure. I also like to bury it so that it doesn't g... Dear Ani Fit Team, My name is Pina and I am 5 years old. I am a Chihuahua and one of the smallest dogs in the world. I have a very special coat colour called Merle. My owner ordered me a bone from An... Read review
More active and fitter with ANIFIT Our little Bolonka zwetna boy (14 years old) no longer wanted his food. We have been feeding him wet food all these years and always split it into 3 meals, as he has had a sensitive stomach from the start. Some time ago he stopped eating with pleasure and friends, so we started a change of food (AniForte® wet food LandChicken - "chicken with carrots") for 4 weeks. And then, four weeks ago, he vomited endlessly, we went to the vet, diagnosed gastritis. The doctor said it wasn't due to the chan... Our little Bolonka zwetna boy (14 years old) no longer wanted his food. We have been feeding him wet food all these years and always split it into 3 meals, as he has had a sensitive stomach from the... Read review Our dog is enthusiastic about every product. We have been feeding Anifit and RyDog (Vital Menu Poultry) for about 2 months now. Our dog is delighted with every product. The changeover went smoothly and was completed after 4 days. As our dog wouldn't touch her old food and wouldn't eat anything for 2 days, I came across Anifit and tried the trial pack. Lo and behold, she ate the food and liked it. The flakes also work really well. I must also say it smells very good when you open the tin. We are delighted. Even though the price is higher ... We have been feeding Anifit and RyDog (Vital Menu Poultry) for about 2 months now. Our dog is delighted with every product. The changeover went smoothly and was completed after 4 days. As our dog wou... Read review Liza sticks to the food bowl We have now tried a few food manufacturers and finally ended up with Anifit because of a detailed review in a blog and what can I say?Our husky dog Liza loves it!The main reason for the switch was her almost chronic ear infections and being a little underweight.The vet therefore recommended switching to slightly more unusual meat sources, i.e. away from chicken and beef, in case that was the cause of the ear infection.You don't find too many manufacturers who can offer a varied diet, but Anifit ... We have now tried a few food manufacturers and finally ended up with Anifit because of a detailed review in a blog and what can I say?Our husky dog Liza loves it!The main reason for the switch was her... Read review Full of energy like a whirlwind thanks to Anifit Dear Anifit team, My Frieda has been fed this wet food for almost three years, if I remember correctly.After the puppy food, I switched directly to Anifit because I kept coming across Anifit on the net in my search for a good wet food.good wet food, I kept coming across Anifit on the net. Frieda loves eating it, she has tolerated every variety so far.We have now ordered Moby Dick for the first time, which she hasn't had before.I'll be able to tell you more about this next week. She is lively,... Dear Anifit team, My Frieda has been fed this wet food for almost three years, if I remember correctly.After the puppy food, I switched directly to Anifit because I kept coming across Anifit on the n... Read review
Enya loves Anifit and the snacks Enya, a Labradoodle Medium, is now almost 1 1/2 years old and has been with us from an early age.We became aware of you quite early on after a lot of research on the Internet. She loves all the varieties, so I always buy different ones to give her some variety. When the deer meat flakes were added, I wanted to try them straight away, so Enya did. I take them in between playing (in a cardboard roll, sniffing box ...) or also a handful when she gets hungry. So keep up the good work. We are alwa... Enya, a Labradoodle Medium, is now almost 1 1/2 years old and has been with us from an early age.We became aware of you quite early on after a lot of research on the Internet. She loves all the variet... Read review PeeWee is a big fish fan Hello dear Provital team, My Malinois dog PeeWee has been fed Anifit tins for years.An important criterion for me was that my dog tolerates the food over a longer period of time, as we have unfortunately had problems with other types of food in the past, that it is of high quality - and a very important aspect: it has to taste good to my dog!All of this is true. PeeWee empties her bowl with fervour and when I read that the "Moby Dick" fish can was now also available, I knew she had to try it t... Hello dear Provital team, My Malinois dog PeeWee has been fed Anifit tins for years.An important criterion for me was that my dog tolerates the food over a longer period of time, as we have unfortuna... Read review A biscuit always works We have been feeding our dogs exclusively with Anifit products for about a year now, from wet food to treats. It is varied and they still like it today. I don't even need to come home with any other food. The Picco Tabs are particularly popular.They fit in every trouser and jacket pocket and are always with you. Even at home, a biscuit is always a good idea. This product review was translated automatically. We have been feeding our dogs exclusively with Anifit products for about a year now, from wet food to treats. It is varied and they still like it today. I don't even need to come home with any other ... Read review Luna tolerates the meat flakes very well We got our Luna, a Maltipoo, from the breeder in August at the age of 12 weeks. Everything went well except for the food. We continued to feed her the breeder's food. But she hardly ate at all, and when she did, it was always in stages. We didn't know that from the two dogs we had before.So I checked out the Facebook group to see what other people were feeding her. After some research, I came across Anifit. The food and its composition convinced me. I also like the nutritional advice.With the g... We got our Luna, a Maltipoo, from the breeder in August at the age of 12 weeks. Everything went well except for the food. We continued to feed her the breeder's food. But she hardly ate at all, and wh... Read review
Lotta feels good all round Hello Provital, Our Goldendoodle dog Lotta has been getting Anifit natural flakes with vegetables mixed into the various Anifit wet food mixes for some time now. Her favourites are Schäfer's Pfanne, Witwe Boltes Schrecken, Falscher Hase and Thanksgiving Day. They all mix wonderfully with the natural flakes and our Lotta has enjoyed them for a long time. She has a beautiful coat and feels good all over, as you can easily see in the picture.I have been ordering the Anifit and the natural flakes ... Hello Provital, Our Goldendoodle dog Lotta has been getting Anifit natural flakes with vegetables mixed into the various Anifit wet food mixes for some time now. Her favourites are Schäfer's Pfanne,... Read review Digestion has improved a lot Hello everyone!Our mongrel Aaron really likes the wet food. As you recommended, I first fed him the 4 tins of chicken and then the other varieties from the taster pack and I have to say that he also likes it very much. He metabolises this food much better, no longer has diarrhoea and also has to poo much less. The cattle ears are also great. He's never had anything like them before. He goes crazy for them. I will definitely continue to feed him these great products. Best regardsErna van Mil Thi... Hello everyone!Our mongrel Aaron really likes the wet food. As you recommended, I first fed him the 4 tins of chicken and then the other varieties from the taster pack and I have to say that he also l... Read review Squeak Fidel with Anifit! On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quickly. She explained to us what we could take for a very sensitive dog. Our Timmy, a male dog, is white and very sensitive. According to the vet, he should eat an expensive special dry food. Enthusiasm of our sunshine - I allow it, I'm hungry but I don't like it. When we started the changeover, we m... On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quic... Read review the very best is" Healthy treats without empty calories, fat and chemical additives I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Hedi Pollermeier, I am a two-year-old Yorkshire Dwarf Spitz mix bitch weighing an impressive 3.4 kg. I guard a large property and the surrounding forest and am always praised by my pack members. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to be the boss, that's Mausi. Mausi is always the boss, even Schatz is subordinate to her. At least that's what they always call each other, for me it's mum and dad. I'm a bright and lovable dog and love my pack more than ... I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Hedi Pollermeier, I am a two-year-old Yorkshire Dwarf Spitz mix bitch weighing an impressive 3.4 kg. I guard a large property and the surrounding f... Read review
Sissi loves the food Dear Anifit Team. We have a Yorkshire Terrier lady 12 years old, she suffered from constipation. I found out about Anifit on Facebook and spoke to Carolin Glomb personally. She gave me very good advice and I then started with the food conversion pack and the Powerdarm. Sissi loves the food and all the treats. We have been using the food for almost half a year now and she is doing very well. No more constipation and she is more vital. The vet is a thing of the past. Thank you for your great... Dear Anifit Team. We have a Yorkshire Terrier lady 12 years old, she suffered from constipation. I found out about Anifit on Facebook and spoke to Carolin Glomb personally. She gave me very good ad... Read review Chuck always looks forward to every meal In December 2021, we brought our dog Chuck from Bosnia to us from a shelter via an organisation. He was about six months old at the time. Naturally, he was not well nourished, so we fed him food supplements on the advice of the vet. Unfortunately, he had a very sensitive stomach. However, this normalised after six months. Suddenly, from one day to the next, he hardly touched his dry food and lost a lot of weight again. We were repeatedly recommended Anifit from various sources. At that time, how... In December 2021, we brought our dog Chuck from Bosnia to us from a shelter via an organisation. He was about six months old at the time. Naturally, he was not well nourished, so we fed him food suppl... Read review Mila's switch to ANIfit: a sense of achievement with positive changes Our Mila, 13 years old, is still in the middle of the changeover, but has really enjoyed every meal so far (before that she often left the food out) and was the first to eat the Anifit food 🙈 Her stomach has also recovered considerably and there has been no new diarrhoea or vomiting so far. We are now at about 50:50 old and new food and are confident that things will continue to improve 🙂🐶 We are supervised by Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Our Mila, 13 years old, is still in the middle of the changeover, but has really enjoyed every meal so far (before that she often left the food out) and was the first to eat the Anifit food 🙈 Her st... Read review Best food for tomcat Bleky We took in our tomcat from the animal shelter. We were able to take advantage of the Anifit animal aid programme. That was great, because I had already decided in favour of Anifit when I was looking for healthy food. He ate very little at the shelter and preferred dry food. I was very excited to see how things would go with us. Bleky really liked the Anifit food straight away and within a week he increased his ration from just under 300g to about an 800g can/day. In between I tried other goo... We took in our tomcat from the animal shelter. We were able to take advantage of the Anifit animal aid programme. That was great, because I had already decided in favour of Anifit when I was looking f... Read review

Dog Trial Package (Hunde-Schnupperpaket)

Various products to try out 24 Testimonials
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages 33.16 €
400g, 1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages 46.68 €
810g, 1 Set with various varieties, flakes and trial packages 62.10 €
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process