Feed Change Box 200g (1 Product mix for changing feed)

Feed Change Box

Optimal product mix for changing feed 7 Testimonials
To make it easier for your dog and at the same time to avoid conversion reactions, we have prepared a food change pack. This consists of only one, par... read more
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 1 Product mix for changing feed 80.16 €
400g, 1 Product mix for changing feed 91.56 €
810g, 1 Product mix for changing feed 115.53 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
Feed Change Box 200g (1 Product mix for changing feed)
Feed Change Box 200g (1 Product mix for changing feed)

Dogs’ bodies need time to adapt to a new food. The greater the difference between old and new feed, the longer the adaptation period. For animals with a sensitive stomach and when changing from dry food to normal food (wet food), we recommend a particularly gentle procedure.


To make it easier for your dog and at the same time to avoid conversion reactions, we have prepared a food change pack. This consists of only one, particularly digestible, type of feed, a grain-free, supplement-free supplement and a support for the intestinal flora and the immune system.

In detail, the pack consists of:

200 g pack:
12 cans of the variety “Gockels Duett” 200g
1 pack of Potato Flakes 800g
1 pack of Power Darm
1 pack of Chicken Hearts 35g
1 Nutrition Guide
1 sample pack of “Vegetable Mix
1 sample pack of “Venison Snack

400 g pack:
Like the 200g pack but with 400g cans

810 g pack:
Like the 200g pack but with 810g cans and with 2 bags of potato flakes 800g

Conversion period

Normally, a careful feed conversion can be completed within four to eight days without any effects.



Read the instructions provided with the specific product.

Analytical components

Read the instructions provided with the specific product.

Feeding recommendation

There are several methods to slowly introduce a dog to the new food. In the following we propose two variants:

a) Slowly reducing the old feed
In the conversion phase, you mix the old feed with the new feed. Start with maximum 25 % of the new feed and increase this proportion daily until you have completed the feed conversion. As a side dish, add approx. 1/4 of potato flakes to the “Gockels Duet” dish. For example, 80 grams of “Gockels Duet” and 20 grams of potato flakes. We recommend soaking the potato flakes to ease digestion.

b) No more feeding with the old feed
Feed half potato flakes and half “Gockels Duett”. Gradually increase the proportion of our fresh meat feed and reduce the proportion of potato flakes. We recommend soaking the potato flakes to ease digestion.

It is important in both variants that you are already on the first day and then over the next two to four weeks at every meal also add the intestinal flora-strengthening “Power Darm”. This leads to a rapid strengthening of the intestinal flora and a targeted relief during the changeover. The dosage of Power Darm can be found printed on the product, it depends on the body weight of the dog. The intestinal flora bears the main burden of our immune defence for a large number of microorganisms and is constantly weakened by environmental influences – as well as deworming and antibiotics.

Feed quantity

When the conversion is complete, be guided by the following feeding recommendation regarding the amount of Gockels Duett:

Dogs weighing up to 5 kg: 200 g
Dogs weighing up to 25 kg: 400 g
Dogs weighing up to 40 kg: 810 g
Dogs weighing over 40 kg: 810 g + addition of flakes
Dogs weighing over 50 kg: 1,200 g + addition of flakes

For a detailed calculation of the amount of feed, use the Anifit Food-Calculator.

Please watch your animal in regard to the amount of potato flakes added. Is it getting tired? Does it have a preference for this side dish? The need for flakes as a side dish is different in dogs and can only be determined by observation. However, if your animal should increase its weight above the normal weight, then first reduce the added flakes.

You are not alone in the feed conversion!

Your Anifit consultant will accompany you and will be happy to advise you on the calculation of the right amount of feed or discuss with you the best procedure for changing the feed for you.

Häufige Fragen

Ist das Futter für Welpen geeignet?

Ja, die Nährwerte dieser Mahlzeit erfüllen die Voraussetzungen für Welpen. Weitere Informationen zur Fütterung von Welpen finden Sie in unserem Tipp „Welpe - Einzug ins neue Zuhause

Ist das Futter für ältere Hunde (Senioren) geeignet?

Ja, die Nährwerte dieser Mahlzeit erfüllen die Voraussetzungen für ältere Tiere. Weitere Informationen zur Fütterung von Senioren finden Sie in unserem Tipp „Fütterung von Senioren

Wie lange ist das Futter haltbar?

Sobald die Dose geöffnet wurde, sollte diese innerhalb von zwei Tagen aufgebraucht werden, da alle unsere Gerichte bewusst keine Konservierungsmittel enthalten. Die Aufbewahrung im Kühlschrank hilft, das Produkt möglichst frisch zu halten: unsere praktischen Schnappdeckel sind optimal, um den Geruch in der Dose zu belassen und das Produkt zu schützen. Füttern Sie aber das Gericht aber bitte nicht kalt, sondern leicht erwärmt (z.B. indem Sie etwas heißes Wasser darüber gießen). Das schmeckt nicht nur den Tieren besser, die Mahlzeit kann so auch leichter verdaut werden.

Besteht die Möglichkeit, das Produkt einzufrieren?

Wenn Sie das Produkt sofort nach dem Öffnen einfrieren, ist das möglich.

Wie hoch ist das Calcium-Phosphor-Verhältnis?

Die Werte für Phosphor und Calcium finden Sie unter den analytischen Bestandteilen im Register „Zusammensetzung". Wesentlich ist, dass der Calcium-Wert immer höher ist als der Phosphor-Wert.

Ist das Futter Purin-arm?

Die Anifit-Gerichte zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Fleischanteil aus und enthalten dadurch auch Purin. Der Durchschnittswert an Harnsäure der Anifit-Gerichte liegt bei ca. 80 mg/100g. Als purinarme Flocke empfehlen wir unsere Purin-low Flocken.

Warum wird Salz zugesetzt?

Salz ist ein wichtiger Mineralstoff für den Körper, sein Zusatz ist notwendig, damit im Produkt ausreichend Salz vorhanden ist. In Beutetieren von Wölfen etwa ist Salz im Blut enthalten und wird von dort aufgenommen.

Welche tierischen Nebenprodukte verwendet Anifit?

Die von uns verwendeten Bestandteile sind bei jedem Gericht in der Liste der Einzelfuttermittel aufgeführt. Wir verwenden nur Pansen, Herz, Leber, Hähnchenmägen, Milz, Karkassen, Lunge, Schlund und Strossen.


Product information

Combo pack:
Available in 200g, 400g, 810g size

What our customers say

Jede Verbraucherbewertung wird vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf ihre Echtheit überprüft, sodass sichergestellt ist, dass die  Bewertungen nur von Verbrauchern stammen, die die bewerteten Produkte auch tatsächlich erworben/genutzt haben. Die Überprüfung geschieht durch Abgleich der Kundendaten mit den bei uns getätigten Bestellungen. Bewertungen von nicht zugeordneten Personen werden nicht veröffentlicht.

CHEWY and his first samples of Anifit Dear Anifit team, Since 19 June, we have had a mongrel from animal welfare, who now accompanies me and us all the time and makes us all very happy. I wanted to give my "Chewy", a Chow-Chow-Havanese mix from southern Spain, the same food as my previous dog, who unfortunately died in the spring. I initially ordered a taster pack. I have now been feeding him different varieties of Anifit for 2 weeks and have noticed that he has become much more alert and attentive. For me this was very noticeable ... Dear Anifit team, Since 19 June, we have had a mongrel from animal welfare, who now accompanies me and us all the time and makes us all very happy. I wanted to give my "Chewy", a Chow-Chow-Havanese m... Read review More active and fitter with ANIFIT Our little Bolonka zwetna boy (14 years old) no longer wanted his food. We have been feeding him wet food all these years and always split it into 3 meals, as he has had a sensitive stomach from the start. Some time ago he stopped eating with pleasure and friends, so we started a change of food (AniForte® wet food LandChicken - "chicken with carrots") for 4 weeks. And then, four weeks ago, he vomited endlessly, we went to the vet, diagnosed gastritis. The doctor said it wasn't due to the chan... Our little Bolonka zwetna boy (14 years old) no longer wanted his food. We have been feeding him wet food all these years and always split it into 3 meals, as he has had a sensitive stomach from the... Read review Full of energy like a whirlwind thanks to Anifit Dear Anifit team, My Frieda has been fed this wet food for almost three years, if I remember correctly.After the puppy food, I switched directly to Anifit because I kept coming across Anifit on the net in my search for a good wet food.good wet food, I kept coming across Anifit on the net. Frieda loves eating it, she has tolerated every variety so far.We have now ordered Moby Dick for the first time, which she hasn't had before.I'll be able to tell you more about this next week. She is lively,... Dear Anifit team, My Frieda has been fed this wet food for almost three years, if I remember correctly.After the puppy food, I switched directly to Anifit because I kept coming across Anifit on the n... Read review Digestion has improved a lot Hello everyone!Our mongrel Aaron really likes the wet food. As you recommended, I first fed him the 4 tins of chicken and then the other varieties from the taster pack and I have to say that he also likes it very much. He metabolises this food much better, no longer has diarrhoea and also has to poo much less. The cattle ears are also great. He's never had anything like them before. He goes crazy for them. I will definitely continue to feed him these great products. Best regardsErna van Mil Thi... Hello everyone!Our mongrel Aaron really likes the wet food. As you recommended, I first fed him the 4 tins of chicken and then the other varieties from the taster pack and I have to say that he also l... Read review
The hungry wolf gets its fill. After trying out different types of dry and wet food for a long time, we came across this wet food thanks to the super competent nutritional advice from AniFit. Our dog Sammy had been suffering from extreme stomach problems and constant diarrhoea for the last 3 months. Suspicions of giardia, worm infestation etc. were not confirmed - it was entirely due to the wrong wet food that had caused all the unpleasant things :/ By gently switching to GOCKELS DUETT - together with the potato flakes - we ... After trying out different types of dry and wet food for a long time, we came across this wet food thanks to the super competent nutritional advice from AniFit. Our dog Sammy had been suffering from e... Read review Thanks to Gockel's duet, everything is great! I switched my 14-year-old Labrador dog to her Gockels Duett variety in mid-October. She had considerable problems passing faeces as they became increasingly solid. After about 1 week of switching, this problem was solved immediately. Her faeces are just as they should be, not too soft and not too hard. Unfortunately, my dog has severe osteoarthritis and I tried a lot of medication to strengthen her muscles, but unfortunately nothing helped. By changing her food, her muscles have built up very we... I switched my 14-year-old Labrador dog to her Gockels Duett variety in mid-October. She had considerable problems passing faeces as they became increasingly solid. After about 1 week of switching, thi... Read review Squeak Fidel with Anifit! On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quickly. She explained to us what we could take for a very sensitive dog. Our Timmy, a male dog, is white and very sensitive. According to the vet, he should eat an expensive special dry food. Enthusiasm of our sunshine - I allow it, I'm hungry but I don't like it. When we started the changeover, we m... On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quic... Read review

Feed Change Box

Optimal product mix for changing feed 7 Testimonials
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 1 Product mix for changing feed 80.16 €
400g, 1 Product mix for changing feed 91.56 €
810g, 1 Product mix for changing feed 115.53 €
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process